Zein Hajj-Ali

Spatial Models and Masks in Indoor Analysis for the Spread of COVID-19

Zein Hajj-Ali and Gabriel A. Wainer

Published as a conference paper in the Winter Simulation Conference 2021


The ability to model and visualize the spread of particles can help when identifying solutions for buildings, like maximum occupancy or sufficient ventilation. Face masks have been shown to slow or stop the spread of airborne COVID-19 droplets and aerosols. We introduce a Cell-DEVS model for rapidly prototyping viral particle spread and the effect of various face masks. We also build scenarios for the model to examine the effectiveness of all types of masks and respirators recommended by the World Health Organization on the spread of viral particles in an indoor environment.


You can view a preprint version of the paper as a PDF here. The DOI is 10.1109/WSC52266.2021.9715334. The Git repository containing the scenarios for the simulation as well as the model itself can be found here.

Full Presentation

The paper was presented at the Winter Simulation Conference 2021. The full video can be seen below:


    author={Hajj-Ali, Zein and Wainer, Gabriel},
    booktitle={2021 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC)},
    title={Spatial Models and Masks in Indoor Analysis for the Spread of COVID-19},

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